The Hermit and The Bear
A certain Hermit having done a good office to a Bear, the grateful creature was so sensible of his obligation, that he begged to be admitted as the guardian and companion of his solitude. The Hermit willingly accepted his offer, and conducted him to his cell, where they passed their time together in an amicable manner. One very hot day the Hermit having laid himself down to sleep, the officious Bear employed himself in driving away the flies from his patron’s face. But, in spite of all his care, one of the flies returned perpetually to the attack, and at last settled upon the Hermit’s nose. “Now I shall have you, most certainly,” said the Bear, and, with the best intentions imaginable, gave him a violent blow on the face; which, indeed, very effectually demolished the fly, but at the same time most terribly bruised the face of his benefactor. An imprudent friend, forsooth, often does as much mischief by his too great zeal as the worst enemy could effect by his malice.
((An imprudent friend often does as much mischief as the worst enemy.))