The Philosopher and The Parrot
An honest plain-dealing sage, but whose mind was stored with true philosophy, was one day walking in the street, when he saw a beautiful Parrot in a shop where birds were sold; and being much taken by her prating, enquired the price: and they answered, one hundred and fifty crowns. The poor philosopher, to his great mortification, found his pockets would not afford such a sum; however, says he, because I fancy the bird, I don’t care if I truck with you for it; that is, I’ll give you my bed, chairs, and all the other moveables of my lodgings at your own price for it. The shop-keeper agreed, and the bargain was concluded, but yet was much surprised, and could not refrain from pitying and asking the philosopher if he had lost his senses, that he who wanted clothes to his back, should be so extravagant as to chaffer the furniture of his house, nay, even his bed from under him, the sole repose of his wearied body and over-laboured mind, and all to purchase a tawdry Parrot? “Ah!” replied the Philosopher, “to me it will prove an inestimable treasure, and I would have reduced myself to nakedness, rather than have gone without her, for my misfortune is to have a free tongue, and a plain and open heart;—great virtues these in former ages; now, unpardonable faults, as I have found to my cost: but I hope to put an end to all this, by keeping this wonderful bird, who will “teach me what I know nothing of, though so much in fashion: that is, the art of concealing the true thoughts of our own soul, and tickling people’s ears with words only from the tongue, and speeches learned by rote.”
((Having a free tongue may be more of a hindrance than help.))